Welcome to My Home

I grew up the youngest of four in a big, loud, part Italian family in heritage, all Italian family in customs and behaviors in Pennsylvania. And I couldn’t have loved it more. My brother and two sisters still have spots on the short list of people I consider my best friends and confidants. Growing up, our parents instilled in all of us from a young age the significance of family and the importance of loyalty, trust, and becoming individuals who stand by their values and are true to their word.
I never stopped reading once I learned how. Always stuck with my nose in a book, fascinated by stories and places I’d never been or seen, amazed by an author’s ability to intrigue me so much that I couldn’t put the book down until I was finished. I’m still in awe of them today.
I started my writing journey a few years ago, wanting to try my hand at creating something that would transport a reader to another place, to give them a break from everyday life. I’ve absolutely loved every minute of it. When I began my first book, I was immediately drawn to the idea of including a big family and creating a series because those were, and still are, my favorite stories to read. I’m also a reader who always wants to know the secondary characters’ story, so I’m creating a series where I can tell all of their stories in due time.

I still live in Pennsylvania, now with my two children who own my heart along with various pets who provide us with unlimited entertainment and endless amounts of love. I also have a slew of nephews and nieces who I love as if they are my own. I will always tell a story with a happy ending, having forever been a hopeless romantic and completely fascinated by interactions between men and women.
I simply love, love.