My Temptation is Coming!

My Temptation is Coming this Week!!

Hi everyone!!

I can’t believe I FINALLY get to say, My Temptation is ready!! It felt like climbing a mountain to get to this point and just when I thought it was done, I needed to do a rewrite on a section and it had to go back to the editor. But that correction was made and edited and it’s ready to go…almost.

I still have to put on the finishing touches, however I did send out the ARC’s this morning and I will be releasing My Temptation this week! Because I didn’t want to make you wait any longer and do a preorder, I’m just going to release it at the preorder price of $0.99 for a week or so. My goal is to have it released by Thursday so keep checking back for the announcement.

I’m going to do another post with the blurb so this one isn’t so wordy-lol!

I’ve also published a sneak peek on my website if you want a glimpse.

Thank you so much for being so patient with me this past year!